I did a monster update today so you'll understand the delay. I was talking with Screamer and hopefully UCS will have it's own UBB shortly so you can all complain about how crappy my site is and how much you hate Molloy in real-time. I'll add alink to the sidebar when It's done.
I'm releasing Annihilarity 6: Mortal Kombat again because I was'nt allowed to have music on l337 site
. Damn you Bantam! *Shakes fists*.
I've been tinkering about wondering what graphics I should add to this site... I'm not sure It'd make things better though so maybe I'll just leave it as it is. You should all try out Google's new image search. It's very, very handy for graphics or whatever other images your into. "Teen + school + uniform + various + states + of + undress". I tell you, It's well worth learning to use your search engine terms effectively
23/10/01 - PeterC makes the frontpage
I fixed the link on the quotes section I messed up yesterday. Sorry about that- won't happen again
. Speaking about being unprofessional check out the news page of Enemy One today, ROFL. Peters never going to live it down.
21/10/01 - Open for business
Uber Crack Shack is now officially open for business at It's new adress at TAUniverse
and I would like to thank ewok for the webspace :).
I've been chatting with Bill Bantam who's in the middle of doing a spiffy new redesign for L337 so you should check it out soon. I'm going to keep doing Annihilarity for his site but I'll publish it here too. It's difficult working with TAU and PA a once but I'll do my best not to piss anybody off ;P.
We've got lots of fresh content today.
The first letter to Ask The Core Commander from Private Ktulu has been completed. Plus we've got more quotes, intelli-strats(c) and general tom foolery than any other TA site on the net. Enjoy!
18/10/01 - ATCC begins
Hello chaps. Today I made a new entrance page, added the
site to the Top 100 sites and added lots of new quotes in
the words section. Check out the visuals page for some
PeterC photos. I've had quite a few nice suggestions
and submissions to the site. Keep them coming and I'll
post them right away.
I've also decided to open a section called 'Ask The Core
Commander' which you can find in the mailbag link.
It's an old reature they used to have on cavedog
where you write in letters and the Commander replies to
them on the page. I'd love to get this up and running soon
so send Bert
a letter about your problems and he'll post the letter and
response on the mailbag page a few days later.
16/10/01 - Site Uploaded
I'm uploading this site to tripod as a
temporary home. Don't expect all the links to work
because they won't :). I'm going to add tons of
stuff to the site though- quotes, the peewee rap
and lots of silly pics of PeterC! Anything you
could send to
my e-mail adress that relates to TA and is funny
would be greatly apreciated.
15/10/01 - Welcome
Welcome to
The Uber Crack Shack! This is the premier
Total Annihilation drugs site on the net with all
manners of jokes, quotes and comics. I'm not sure
exactly how everythings going to pan out but I'll
probably just make it up as I go along.
Archived News